- ACU Cambodia Successfully and Fruitfully Hosted the 19th ASEAN-PAC Secretariat Meeting on 16-17 August 2024, Siem Reap province, Cambodia
Kitti Nitti Kosal Pandita Senior Minister OM YENTIENG (Middle) and the head of delegations from the anti-corruption agencies of the 10 ASEAN countries
The Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) hosted and chaired the 19th Secretariat Meeting of the ASEAN Parties Against Corruption (ASEAN-PAC) held on 16-17 August 2023 in Siem Reap province, Kingdom of Cambodia. This is the second ASEAN-PAC meeting, organized by Cambodia as the rotating chair of the ASEAN-PAC 2022-2023, with the participation of representatives of the anti-corruption agencies from the 10 ASEAN countries. It should be recalled that ASEAN Parties Against Corruption (ASEAN-PAC) was established in 2004 with the common goal aiming to strengthen cooperation among all the concerned parties, and to provide mutual assistances in exchanges of experiences, capacity building, and investigations.
2. ACU Co-organized the ASEAN-PAC 2023 Capacity Building Workshop with KPK and UNODC on 30-31 May 2023, Jakarta, Indonesia
ASEAN-PAC Capacity Building Workshop on “Anti-Corruption Education and Anti-Corruption Strategies on a National Scale”, jointly organized by the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU), Cambodia as ASEAN-PAC Chair and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Indonesia in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), was held in May 30-31, 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia, which brought together participants from all ASEAN-PAC members, as well as the Anti-Corruption Commission of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste as an observer country.
The ASEAN-PAC workshop shared experiences and best practices through a variety of presentation topics, such as the framework for creating Anti-Corruption Ecosystems in education; best practices and lesson-learnt in creating Anti-Corruption Ecosystems in education and the framework for anti-corruption education; promotion of public participation in anti-corruption efforts, including using digital technology in the national framework and initiatives to promote transparency and accountability of public services; and measuring integrity in the public sector with preventing corruption and increasing transparency in government procurement.

Participants from anti-corruption agencies of the 10 ASEAN members and Timor-Leste
3.Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) of Cambodia and the National Supervisory Commission of the
People’s Republic of China on 17-20 October 2023, Beijing, China
During the time to attend the Thematic Forum on Clean Silk Road under the theme of Strengthening International Anti-corruption Cooperation and Building a Clean Silk Road of the 3rd Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, ACU signed an MoU with the National Supervisory Commission of the People’s Republic of China on cooperation between the two institutions to strengthen and expand cooperation in the exchange of information, experience, communication, capacity building of officials and mutual legal assistance, etc. At the same time other anti-corruption commissions beside ACU Cambodia namely KPK-Indonesia, MACC-Malaysia, the Office of the Comptroller-General of Cuba, and the Administrative Control Authority of Egypt also signed an MoU with National Supervisory Commission of the People’s Republic of China.
It is kindly to be informed that the Thematic Forum on Clean Silk Road of the Belt and Road Forum was organized by the National Supervisory Commission of the People’s Republic of China with the participation of 200 national and international delegates including representatives of the anti-corruption authorities from the Belt and Road countries, and representatives of 6 international organizations, as well as representatives from business community and educational institutions.

The MoU signing ceremony between ACU Cambodia represented by H.E Mr. Kheang Seng, Vice-President of ACU; and NCS China represented by Mr. Fu Kui, Vice-President of NCS
4.The Dissemination of Anti-Corruption Law by ACU in 2023
In 2023, ACU has disseminated the Anti-Corruption Law to government officials of various ministries/institutions; students and trainees of vocational training schools and public educational institutions; and staffs of NGOs and private sectors in which in total 35 seminars were conducted with 4,060 participants together with a number of legal documents, educational materials with educational messages, were distributed in those seminars aiming to encourage more involvement in working to fight against corruption in Cambodia and beyond. Besides, ACU had produced 74 video spots to disseminate and raise awareness about anti-corruption related messages and engagement and also published 5,000 legal standard documents and provisions booklets related to anti-corruption.

H.E Kitti Nitti Kosal Pandita Senior Minister OM YENTIENG, President of ACU, highly presiding in a lecture on “Anti-Corruption Law” to 15th session apprentice lawyer at Lawyer Training Centre, on December 15, 2023

H.E Mr. Kheang Seng, Vice-President of ACU, highly representative H.E Kitti Nitti Kosal Pandita Senior Minister OM YENTIENG, President of ACU delivered lecture on “Anti-Corruption Law” to lawyer students, batch 19, on December 2023
5. Celebration of National-International Anti-Corruption Day 9 December in 2023
In 2023, ACU Celebrated National-International Anti-Corruption Day 9 December in two major formats across the country. ACU promoted the event in schools, markets, local administration offices, departments, special economic zones, and public places in 7 provinces in a total of 129 targets with more than 13,800 participants. In addition, along with the activities to observe high school exit-exam, anti-corruption officials has disseminated the event of international and national anti-corruption day to the volunteer observers in all 25 provinces and capital of Cambodia. ACU also cooperated with ministries, institutions, capitals and provinces and private companies to put up anti-corruption messages banners to mark the celebration of the National-International Anit-Corruption Day nationwide.

The activities of promoting National-International Anti-Corruption Day, 09 December in 2023 at public and private educational institutions

he activities of promoting National-International Anti-Corruption Day, 09 December in 2023 at public university and local markets

The activities of promoting National-International Anti-Corruption Day, 09 December in 2023 at provincial administrative departments

The concert to celebrate the National-International Anti-Corruption, 9 December in 2023 and awarding ceremony of honor medals to artists, producer, and volunteer teams working on promoting the National-International Anti-Corruption Day
6. The Official Visit of the State Inspection Authority of Lao People’s Democratic Republic (SIA Lao) to the Kingdom of Cambodia on 20-23 June 2023
On June 20-23, 2023, a delegation of the State Inspection Authority of Lao People’s Democratic Republic led by H.E. Dr. KHAMPHANH PHOMMATHATH, President of the State Inspection Authority of Lao People’s Democratic Republic (SIA Lao), accompanied by six delegates, paid an official visit to the ACU of the Kingdom of Cambodia. This official visit has brought about remarkable outcomes and pride for the two agencies. The Bilateral meeting with the SIA Lao delegation focused on sharing experiences on the work of the ACU such as the investigation work, education, prevention, obstruction, and budgeting work of the ACU and so on.
The 2023 official visit is another historic event for the SIA Lao and ACU. The two sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Anti-Corruption for the another five-year term (2023-2028) with the aim to boost and enhance cooperation in the fight against corruption through the exchange of official visits between the two institutions and the exchange of information, knowledge and experience based on the basis of equality, mutual respect, and mutual benefit.
Aside from the official visit to the ACU, the delegation also paid a courtesy-call on Samdech Kittisangkahabindit Men Sam An, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection and Vice-President of National Council Against Corruption and had the opportunity to receive the experiences shared by Samdech Vice President related to the inspection sector in Cambodia. Samdech also emphasized on the importance of the visit on experience sharing in the field of inspection and enhancing the relationship and the in-depth cooperation between the two countries to become even more comprehensive and in a more strategic approach and closer. In addition, the delegation also visited the Cambodian cultural sites, including the Royal Palace and the National Museum as well as Cambodia’s major economic bases such as Sihanoukville Province, Sihanoukville Autonomous Port and so on.

Courtesy-call on Samdech Kittisangkahabindit Men Sam An, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection and Vice-President of National Council Against Corruption

Bilateral Meeting between the Delegation of the State Inspection Authority of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and
Anti-Corruption Unit of the Kingdom of Cambodia

Signing Ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the State Inspection Authority of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Anti-Corruption Unit of the Kingdom of Cambodia
7. The official visit of Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Henan Provincial CPC Committee and Henan Provincial Commission of Supervision of PRC to Cambodia on 11 September 2023
On September 11, 2023 Mrs. Qu Xiaoli, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Chairman of Henan Provincial Commission of Supervision led a 06 member delegation of Henan Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Henan Provincial CPC Committee and Henan Provincial Commission of Supervision of PRC paid an official visit to the Anti-Corruption Unit of Kingdom of Cambodia (ACU) and had an in-depth exchange with H.E Kitti Nitti Kosal Pandita Senior Minister OM Yentieng, President of ACU.
In this bilateral meeting, H.E. Kitti Nitti Kosal Pandita OM Yentieng, President of ACU supported the straight-forward mutual cooperation and experience sharing between the Henan Commission for Discipline Inspection and ACU. Also, ACU welcomed to respond to all requests made by the delegation. Mrs. Qu Xiaoli presented about the work progress of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Henan Provincial CPC Committee that actively implemented on the CPC’s policies included the strict enforcement of Anti-Corruption Law, zero-tolerance for wrong-doing, and the implementation of the principle of “Not dare to be corrupt, Not want to be corrupt and Cannot be corrupt” and the principle of “Beating tigers, Swat flies and Hunt foxes”. She also praised the visit as achieving a lot of benefits from ACU and also express her deep gratitude to H.E. Senior Minister, President of the ACU for the holding cooperating in a common goal of better fight against corruption.
Please also be informed that the official visit of the delegation of Henan Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Henan Provincial CPC Committee and Henan Provincial Commission of Supervision of PRC to Cambodia took place on September 10 to 12, 2023 beside visiting the ACU, delegates also met with the Siem Reap Provincial Administration and the Department of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection of Siem Reap to strengthen ties between the two provincial administration.

The bilateral meeting between the delegation of Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Henan Provincial CPC Committee and Henan Provincial Commission of Supervision of PRC and the delegation of the Anti-Corruption Unit

The delegation of Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Henan Provincial CPC Committee and Henan Provincial Commission of Supervision of PRC and the delegation of the Anti-Corruption Unit
8. Online training program organized by the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) on 22-23 February 2023 and on 13 July 2023 hosted from Hong Kong, China

H.E. Mr. YENTIENG Puthirith, Vice-President of ACU, and participants participated in the online training program organized by the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) on Forensic Sciences in Prevention, Detection and Investigation of Corruption and Related Crimes on 22-23 February 2023 hosted from Hong Kong, China

Participants of ACU Cambodia, headed by H.E. Mr. YENTIENG Puthirith, Vice-President of ACU, and other participants from other countries participated in the online training program on “Corruption without border: How to cooperate to tackle it?” co-organized by the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authority (IAACA) and the European Anti-Corruption Partner/European Anti-Corruption Network (EPAC/EACN) on 13 July 2023 hosted from Hong Kong, China
9. Thematic Forum on Clean Silk Road of the Third Belt and Road Forum (BRF) on 16-18 October 2023 in Beijing, China

H.E. Mr. Kheang Seng, Vice-President of ACU (Middle) and delegation
10. 2023 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum under the theme “Action to Impact: Working together to strengthen Integrity and fight corruption” held on 24-25 May 2023 in Paris, France

H.E. Mr. Yonn Sinat, Vice-President of ACU (Middle-Right) and delegation
11. The 19th Principals Meeting of the ASEAN-Parties Against Corruption held on 19-20 November 2023 in Vientiane, Lao PDR

H.E. Mr. Yonn Sinat, Vice-President of ACU (Middle-left) and delegation attended the 19th Principals Meeting of the ASEAN-Parties Against Corruption held on 19-20 November 2023 in Vientiane, Lao
12.The 5th Meeting of the World Bank Group’s International Corruption Hunters Alliance (ICHA) on “Collective Action in an Era of Crises” on 14-16 June 2023, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

H.E Mr. Sambath Houna, Vice-President of ACU attended the 5th Meeting of the World Bank Group’s International Corruption Hunters Alliance (ICHA) on “Collective Action in an Era of Crises” on 14-16 June 2023, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
13.The 15th Coordinating Video Conference for the ASEAN Political-Security Community (15th ASCCO), on 15 March 2023, from Jakarta, Indonesia

H.E Dr. Orn Panhha, Assistant to ACU, and delegation attended the 15th Coordinating Video Conference for the ASEAN Political-Security Community (15th ASCCO) from Jakarta, Indonesia on 15 March 2023
14.The 7th Entities Associated with ASEAN Forum on 15th May 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia

The participation of ACU delegation headed H.E Dr. Orn Panhha, Assistant to ACU and delegation representing the ASEAN-PAC chair under the chairmanship of ACU Cambodia

H.E Dr. Orn Panhha, Assistant to ACU (Right-End) with H.E Kao Kim Houn, ASEAN General Secretary (Middle) and ACU delegation
15. International Seminar on Enhancing Capacity to Recover Stolen Asset in Southeast Asia, on 23-25 May 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand

H.E Mr. Srinn Sovann, Assistant to ACU (Left) and Mr. Nuon Noren, Deputy Chief of Complaint Bureau
16. The 11th ADB/ OECD Regional Conference of the Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific to be held in Manila, Philippines, on 09-10 May 2023

H.E Mr. Soy Chanvicheth, Assistant to AUC and Spokesman of ACU (Right hand side) and accompanied by Mr. Long Vichda, Deputy Chief of International Bureau
17. The workshop on safeguarding sport from corruption for government and sports organizations of the Member States of ASEAN and the corruption risk in sport, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 15 and 16 May 2023

H.E. Mr. Tong Heng, Assistant to Kitti Nitti Kosal Pandita Senior Minister OM YENTIENG
President of Anti-Corruption Unit (Middle) and ACU delegation (on Right) with representor from relevant institutions of Cambodia
18.The ASEAN-Japan Special Meeting of Justice Ministers hosted by Ministry of Justice of Japan and Side event: Symposium on Culture of Lawfulness hosted by United Nations Asia and far east institute for the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders (UNAFEI) in Tokyo, Japan from 5 to 10 July 2023

H.E Mr. Nuon Sothimon, Assistant to ACU (Middle)
19.The 10th Session of the Conference of State Parties to the United Nation Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) on 11-15 December 2023, in Atlanta, United State of America

H.E Mr. Sin Vaida, Assistant to ACU (Left) and Mr. Nhem Bora, Deputy Director of Legal, Complaint, and International Bureau Affairs Department

H.E Mr. Sin Vaida, Assistant to ACU, addressing statement at the side meeting on “Belf and Road Integrity Building” organized by National Commission of Supervision of People’s Republic of China on 14th December, 2023 at Georgia World Congress Center, in Atlanta, United State of America
20. The 13th General Meeting of International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) on 04 December 2023, via online from Hong Kong, China

H.E. Mr. Chea Sam Ath, Director General of General Department of Operations and delegation
21.The 14th Session of the Implementation Review Group of the United Nation Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and the 14th Session of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on the Prevention of Corruption in Vienna, Austria, on 12 to 16 June 2023

Mrs. Ou Sitha (Middle), Assistant to ACU and Ms. Ouk Chansopheata (Left), Deputy-Director General of General Department of Operation and Ms. Khun Darina official of ACU President Cabinet (Right)
22.The Regional Workshop on Enhancing Collaboration between Supreme Institutions and Anti-Corruption held in Bangkok, Thailand on 14-16 March 2023

Mrs. Kem Sopheap, Deputy Director General of General Department of Operation
23. The 12th Session of the Assembly of Parties (AoP) of the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) on 9 November 2023 in Vienna, the Republic of Austria

Mrs. Kem Sopheap, Deputy Director General of General Department of Operation and Ms. Seng Srey Leak, Chief of Money Laundering Bureau
24. The Regional Conference on Addressing Corruption as a Facilitator of Trafficking Persons and Smuggling Migrants in Bangkok, Thailand on 21-22 November 2023

Mr. Nuon Noren, Deput-Chief of Complaint Bureau and Mr. Meng Limkorng, Deputy-Chief of Computer Forensic Bureau